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BAUMUELLER伺服驱动器bmaxx5000,强大的单声道单元,七个尺寸 b maXX 5500提供功率范围从1.1千瓦至315千瓦。 同时,所有装置都集成有整流器、DC链路电容器与逆变器。5000并排安装转换器已经扩展到单声道的5500系列的单元。新增的安全功能,如SLS(安全限制速度)和SLP(安全限制的位置),可以在保持高性能的同时集成到b maXX 5500中。源,节省成本 技术数据 — b maXX 5500 BM 5512 1 2.5 5 1.1 2 106 x 310 x 263 4) BM 5513 1 4.5 9 2 2 106 x 310 x 263 4) BM 5522 2 7.5 15 3.4 2 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5523 2 11 22 5 2 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5524 2 15 30 6.8 2 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5525 2 15 40 3) 6.8 2.6 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5526 2 22.5 45 3) 10 2 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5526 3) 2 22.5 45 3) 6 2 106 x 428 x 340 / 320 BM 5532 3 22.5 45 10 2 155 x 510 x 340 / 325 BM 5533 3 30 60 13 2 155 x 510 x 340 / 325 BM 5534 3 45 90 20 2 155 x 510 x 340 / 325 BM 5535 3 60 90 28 1.5 155 x 510 x 340 / 325 BM 5543 4 80 120 36 1.5 190 x 624 x 374 / 327 BM 5544 4 100 130 45 1.3 190 x 624 x 374 / 327 BM 5545 4 130 170 58 1.3 190 x 624 x 374 / 327 BM 5546 4 150 200 75 1.3 190 x 642 x 374 / 327 BM 5553 5 150 195 75 1,3 307 x 656 x 374 / 321 BM 5554 5 210 260 110 1,3 307 x 656 x 374 / 321 BM 5562 6 250 325 132 1,3 437 x 815 x 378 / 316 BM 5563 6 300 390 160 1,3 437 x 815 x 378 / 316 BM 5566 6 350 450 175 1,3 437 x 815 x 378 / 316 BM 5572 7 450 585 225 1,3 520 x 600 x 388 / 340 BM 5573 7 615 800 315 1,3 520 x 600 x 388 / 340 Supply voltage: 207–528 V ± 0% AC Supply frequency: 50/60 Hz Supply rated voltage: 400 V DC link voltage: 540 V rated voltage Chopping frequency: 2/4/8 kHz Output voltage: 0–95% of supply voltage Electronics supply: external 24 V DC (diagnostic capability) Fan connection: frame sizes 1–3: 24 V DC; frame sizes 4–7: 230 V AC ± 10% Certification: CE, CSA, UL Height and depth without mounting brackets. Depth including required bending radius of connecting cables . 1) Depth air cooling / depth water cooling 2) for 1 second 3) single phase 4) air cooling only 5) water cooling only *) in preparation

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