Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic event. As food and supplies dwindle and the threat of marauders becomes more apparent, the family must ultimately face the decision to either stay in hiding or go in search of an elusive mansion they've heard of - that may or may not exist.



绝命逃离所 更新HD

6.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 美国 2016

导演: Andrew Robertson









导演:Andrew Robertson

演员:Carter Roy,Amy Rutberg,Sebastian Beacon,Eva Grace Kellner,Chris Kies,Travis Grant,Mark Ashworth,Christopher Payne,安东尼·B·哈里斯,Tom Thon,Sofia Nour Kanso-Robertson,Seth Scofield,Cary Strongwater,Reed Pend

更新时间:2025-01-12 07:40


Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic event. As food and supplies dwindle and the threat of marauders becomes more apparent, the family must ultimately face the decision to either stay in hiding or go in search of an elusive mansion they've heard of - that may or may not exist.


《绝命逃离所》是一部由Andrew Robertson执导,Carter Roy,Amy Rutberg,Sebastian Beacon,Eva Grace Kellner,Chris Kies,Travis Grant,Mark Ashworth,Christopher Payne,安东尼·B·哈里斯,Tom Thon,Sofia Nour Kanso-Robertson,Seth Scofield,Cary Strongwater,Reed Pend主演的剧情片片。以下是对该电影的影评总结: 影片讲述了

Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic event. As food and supplies dwindle and the threat of marauders becomes more apparent, the family must ultimately face the decision to either stay in hiding or go in search of an elusive mansion they've heard of - that may or may not exist.

。影片不仅是一部简单的剧情片片,两位主角从最初的互相看不顺眼到最终携手合作,展现了人性的复杂性和多面性。 角色塑造:角色形象鲜明,各具特色。主角Carter Roy,Amy Rutberg,Sebastian Beacon,Eva Grace Kellner,Chris Kies,Travis Grant,Mark Ashworth,Christopher Payne,安东尼·B·哈里斯,Tom Thon,Sofia Nour Kanso-Robertson,Seth Scofield,Cary Strongwater,Reed Pend的性格差异和成长轨迹为这部电影增添了丰富的层次感。 Andrew Robertson作为导演,在《绝命逃离所》中,他对动作和幽默元素的精妙融合,使得影片在紧张刺激之余也不乏幽默感。



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